Juan Diego Pérez de la Cruz

Performance, Photography, Installation


Juan Diego Pérez la Cruz (1986) is a Venezuelan architect who graduated from Rafael Urdaneta University, with a Master's degree in Visual Communication from the University of Zulia. He has participated in various exhibitions such as The 8th and 9th Biennial of Documentary Photography in Tucumán, the Biennial 67 Arturo Michelena, and the 1st meeting of deaf art in Chile, he also won the 1st place in the art fellowship and artist residency of the Tres Pinos Foundation in Buenos Aires (Arg), participate in the Guapamacátaro art residence in Michoacán (Mexico) and NES Artist residence located in Skagaströnd (Iceland). From 2018 to 2020 he was the coordinator of the artist program Marco Arte Foco, of the Museum of Contemporary Art of La Boca, in Buenos Aires -Argentina.

Currently resides in Minnesota where he develops an educational program called PLATAFORMA RAIZ, where necessary tools are given to Latino and migrant artists to develop their artistic career.