Selma Fernandez Richter



Selma Fernández Richter is a Mexican visual artist based in Minneapolis. Her work explores personal reflections and narratives that examine the degrees, values and intersections of living and working as an immigrant, artist, mother,and member of a bicultural family.

She is the recipient of several grants and awards including the McKnight VisualArtist Fellowship and two Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grants. Shehas exhibited at venues such as Centro de la Imagen in Mexico City, theMinneapolis Institute of Art, and the Minnesota Museum of American Art. Herwork is in the collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, the MinneapolisInstitute of Art and the Nuevo Leon Center for the Arts in Monterrey, Mexico. Aselection of her photographs was featured in the exhibition and book Womenbehind the lens: 100 years of photographic creation in Mexico, 1910-2010.

Selma is the founder of La Luz Workshops.